The Indian Society of Heating, Refrigerating and Air Conditioning Engineers (ISHRAE), was founded in 1981. ISHRAE today has more than 12,000 HVAC&R professionals as members and about 9,000 student-members. ISHRAE operates from 41 Chapters and sub-Chapters spread all over India and HQ in Delhi. It is led by a team of elected officers, who as members of the Society, work on a voluntary basis and are collectively called the Board of Governors.
Research in ISHRAE
ISHRAE Technical Committee (ITC) is the apex body that oversees the direction and pace of all technical activities within ISHRAE. Several sub-Committees are set up under ITC such as: Standards and Research Committees.
It is expected that research would improve existing HVAC&R systems, equipment, processes, operations and designs. Scientific research would lead to publications and help create technical information, guidebooks and standards special

When & who can
contribute for Research?
When : During Chapter programs, Regional Conferences, BOGs or by direct payments.
Who Contributions from
Research Projects
Why is Research in ISHRAE
Necessary ?

The Research in ISHRAE (RiI) needs to update the Societies' technical capabilities, review existing guidelines and standards and create new benchmarks for Indian conditions. The RiI has to be updated with international standards and technology.
It is essential to study effect of existing systems and standards with a view of up-grading them for providing a safe and healthy environment in residences, work places, hospitals, schools and recreational spaces.
Producing standardised testing and rating methodologies to enable customers compare across products.
Providing safe and healthy methods, systems, equipment and tools for designing, in-stalling and maintaining HVAC&R systems.